



名前 Billy

日本に住むフランス人男性写真 この男性会員にコンタクトをご希望の方はここをクリック

会員番号: 50812102

生まれ年: 1984

国籍: フランス人 

居住国: 日本

上記に何年間住んでいますか: 4

身長: 172cm

体重: 67kg

髪の色: Brown

目の色: Green

結婚歴: Unmarried

仕事: Waiter/Bartender

勤続年数: 4

学歴: 2 years degree major Japanese Language and Culture 2 years degree major English

語学: French, Japanese, English

宗教: None

趣味や興味: I like to go to cinema, restaurant, club & bar, but I also like to stay home sometimes just watching movies, reading books, relax, doing nothing at all. Everything is fine when you're with someone you love and I would like to share everything.

いつか子どもが欲しいですか: Yes

既に子どもがいますか: No

タバコを吸いますか: No

自分自身の性格をどう思いますか: Quiet, understanding, honest

貴方にとって最も大切な事とは何ですか: My family

今までに訪れた国: Japan, Canada, England, Spain, Mexico, France

将来貴方のパートナーとなる人に交際が進展する前に是非知っておいて貰いたい事がありますか: Some people think I'm heartless because I don't show them my feelings. I just think there's no point for everybody to know what I'm feeling if we have good times together. I want to find the person who can understand this and take me for what I am. It also means this person would know me better than anyone else.

貴方の将来の希望や計画は どんなものですか: Find the right one, the woman of my entire life and make a happy family together surrounded by our love.

貴方の将来のパートナーへのメッセージ: I cannot tell you where we will live, I cannot promise we will be rich, I can only promise I will love you forever.


