



名前 Mark

外国男性 この男性会員にコンタクトをご希望の方はここをクリック

会員番号: 52027802

生まれ年: 1975

国籍: アイルランド人

居住国: アイルランド

上記に何年間住んでいますか: 35

身長: 173cm

体重: 84kg

髪の色: Black

目の色: Hazel

結婚歴: Unmarried

仕事: Manager / Accountant

勤続年数: 12 years / currently on a career break

学歴: Bachelors Degree

語学: English, Irish (a little), beginning to learn Japanese

宗教: Non-practicing Catholic

趣味や興味: Cooking, reading, walking, listening to music, internet, watching movies

いつか子どもが欲しいですか: Yes

既に子どもがいますか: No

タバコを吸いますか: No

自分自身の性格をどう思いますか: Shy at first until I get to know someone, then I'm more outgoing. Love to make people laugh and smile. Caring, honest, loyal, romantic and a gentleman.

貴方にとって最も大切な事とは何ですか: Family, honesty, loyalty, fun, laughing, communication, spending time with those who are special to me.

今までに訪れた国: UK, France, Spain, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Bulgaria, US (Hawaii & Florida)

将来貴方のパートナーとなる人に交際が進展する前に是非知っておいて貰いたい事がありますか: I 'm currently taking time out from work to focus on the more important things in life. I’m planning to travel including spending 2 months in Japan next year. I don't mind living in Ireland or Japan or any other country as long as we are happy together.

貴方の将来の希望や計画は どんなものですか: Go travelling, see as much of Japan as possible, hopefully with someone special to accompany me. Meet someone special and have a happy life together.

貴方の将来のパートナーへのメッセージ: I can't wait to meet you and share fun times together. If you are the one for me I'll love you through good and bad times.








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