



名前 John

カナダ男性 この男性会員にコンタクトをご希望の方はここをクリック

会員番号: 52230475

生まれ年: 1962

国籍: カナダ人

居住国: カナダ

上記に何年間住んでいますか: 50

身長: 182cm

体重: 82kg

髪の色: White/brown mix

目の色: Brown

結婚歴: Divorced

仕事: Business executive

勤続年数: 1

学歴: Chartered accountant (Canada), Certified Public Accountant (USA), Math degree

語学: English

宗教: Spiritual

趣味や興味: Reading, biking, walking, number puzzles (suduko/kakuro), gardening, non-competitive sports

いつか子どもが欲しいですか: No

既に子どもがいますか: Two kids, age 19 and 15, they live with mother in Ontario. I pay child support until they finish first undergraduate degree at university.

タバコを吸いますか: No

自分自身の性格をどう思いますか: Easygoing. During work, I am the boss, but I mix humour and seriousness/knowledge together. I do not believe in degrading people - everyone is knowledgeable, the key is to respect that.

貴方にとって最も大切な事とは何ですか: Happiness, to be able to enjoy the rest of my life with a person who wants companionship, a person to communicate with and laugh with

今までに訪れた国: China, Fiji, Australia, Honduras, Italy, USA

将来貴方のパートナーとなる人に交際が進展する前に是非知っておいて貰いたい事がありますか: I work long hours at times, and need to have a lady that can talk to me, help me unwind. I very much want a life away from work. She must enjoy the outdoors; that is where I prefer to be. I am from Northern Ontario, a smaller city, and my values are tied to it and a belief that family values are most important.  I held onto a bad marriage for over 10 years in hopes of saving it. I am devoted to the lady I fall in love with.

貴方の将来の希望や計画は どんなものですか: I would love to share the rest of my life with a lady that cherishes the simpler things -- nature, quiet times, one to one times and family. Business will take care of itself, but personal life is the hardest and most important value.

貴方の将来のパートナーへのメッセージ: It is my pleasure to be able to meet you.  I am a business oriented man that seeks a family life to save his mind, heart and soul. Thank you for taking your time to read my profile. I wish you the best in finding your match.











最初はお友達が出来ればいいほうかな~と思っておりましたし、絶対好みの男性はいないだろうと思っておりましたが、意外と皆真剣にコミュニケーション がとれる事にびっくりです! 運命の出会いがここにあれば本当いいのですけど・・^^とにかく、あせらずじっくりと、築いていこうと思いますッ^^☆
