
Client #: 52723484

生まれ年 1988
国籍 アメリカ人
居住国 アメリカ
上記に何年から住んでいますか 1988
身長 171 cm
体重 73 kg
髪の色 Black
目の色 Hazel
結婚歴 Single
仕事 Military
その仕事を始めたのは何年ですか? 2010
学歴 Currently in school for bachelors in social science
語学 English
性格 / ライフスタイル
趣味や興味 Running, exercise, gym, music, reading, TV shows, traveling, bowling, ice skating, beach walking
いつか子どもが欲しいですか Yes
既に子どもがいますか No
タバコを吸いますか No
自分自身の性格をどう思いますか When I’m with someone special I like being spontaneous, adventurous, romantic, surprising them with little gestures, sensual, playful, and basically having that type of fun you see two people who just met in the movies having! Someone to laugh with, hang out with like a love and a best friend.
貴方にとって最も大切な事とは何ですか Goals, and hard work. Never giving up
今までに訪れた国 Korea, Germany and Kuwait(韓国、ドイツ、クエート)
将来、貴女のパートナーとなる人に、交際が進展する前に、是非知っておいて貰いたい事があれば下記で説明して下さい。 I am a man who likes to travel a lot. I am always seeking places to explore. I also like to stay home sometimes also and enjoy some movies and cook some dinner. I am a good man who was raised by my grandmother and grandfather. Very traditional values. I am a hard worker and I always accomplish my goals.
貴女の将来の希望や計画はどんなものですか? To find a good woman to settle down with have a family and grow old together and make wonderful memories.
貴女の将来のパートナーへのメッセージ。 I promise to help you to be healthy. I will cook and clean for us. Expect the best breakfast: traditional tomato and pepper omelets, followed by fruit salad with… well, I can't give all the secrets out. I promise to strive to be a role model for our children