
Client #: 52727094

生まれ年 1984
国籍 アメリカ人
居住国 アメリカ
上記に何年から住んでいますか 1984
身長 176 cm
体重 68 kg
髪の色 Black
目の色 Brown
結婚歴 Single
仕事 Senior Software Engineer
その仕事を始めたのは何年ですか? 2007
学歴 Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
語学 English (fluent), Japanese (good)
性格 / ライフスタイル
趣味や興味 Going to the gym, skateboarding, and driving. I also like to make YouTube videos about my art and programming. Finally, I enjoy fixing things like cars or anything that breaks. I would like to read more and learn how to cook better!
いつか子どもが欲しいですか Yes
既に子どもがいますか No
タバコを吸いますか No
自分自身の性格をどう思いますか Quiet and serious. Loud and childish with family. Honest and upright. Hard-working and energetic!
貴方にとって最も大切な事とは何ですか Fighting for freedom and family.
今までに訪れた国 US (over 10 states including New York and Hawaii), Netherlands, and Japan(米国のNYを含む⒑州以上、オランダ、日本)
将来、貴女のパートナーとなる人に、交際が進展する前に、是非知っておいて貰いたい事があれば下記で説明して下さい。 I am a second-generation Japanese American, because my parents were born in Japan. I can converse a little in Japanese, but I can only read Kanji using the computer. I can improve a lot if I lived in Japan. I'm open to living in Japan!
貴女の将来の希望や計画はどんなものですか? I want to spend my life with you and build a strong and loving family. I will fight hard to keep the world a safe place for us.
貴女の将来のパートナーへのメッセージ。 You are the only one for me. I'm not interested in anyone else. I will cherish every moment that you spend with me. Thank you.